Monday, 30 May 2011

Eiffel vs Guggenheim

The Eiffel Tower and the Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao have both been described as significant
Architectural constructions of their time. The Eiffel Tower has been described as;
 'a symbol of technological prowess' (www.tour-
and the Guggenheim museum has been 'hailed as the most important structure of its time'
(www. )

Research both architectural structures in order to comment on;
-the importance of the design and construction
-significance of the materials
-significance of the designer
-function for which each was built
-function now-has it changed?

Compare the two architectural structures, by noting their similarities and differences.

Gustave Eiffel, the renowned structural engineer responsible for designing the Eiffel Tower. A hounoric symbol thought to commemorate the French revolution in 1889. ( ( Mass produced from “7,000 metric tons of puddling iron”(, this master piece overlooks Paris like a compass. Initially made in honor of the 100th year of the French revolution, nobody knew its main purpose until it was up for demolishment. “But its main purpose remains until the present, which is as a radio transmitter. If it was not revealed that it could be a radio transmission tower, the Eiffel may not be around this day.”

Frank O. Gehry, world famous architect renown for his concept of style which “explores the possibilities &inherent both in the methods of constructing and assembling architecture”, (  is whom to blame for the discovery of the Guggenheim Bilbao. The titanium skinned orthogonal shapes, alongside the twisted lines is what gives people the Gehry abstract effect that blew away architects and spread visual pleasure world wide. The main purpose of the museum was to “revitalize” the city of Bilbao. Similar to the Eiffel tower, when it was complete, not only did it revive the city of Bilbao but also the Bilbao economy. (

The composition continues a curvaceous, free-form sculptural style that has become a Gehry signature. The abstract, free-form components of this style were present in the early Gehry House, and a similarly sleek curvaceous cladding was displayed in the sculptural fish of the Fishdance Restaurant.(

Industrialization - To introduce an industry into an area (
This is relevant nowadays and to the subject, due to the placement of the two buildings into the two areas. This resulted in both the buildings becoming industries within there own right. For example, the Eiffel tower. When production was of completion, restaurants were introduced to maintain the towers income. And the Guggenheim maintains tourism within its grasp to preserve what is said to be “Instantly hailed as the most important structure of its time”(
Two different designers, created two different pieces. In comparison, they are merely, “brothers from different mothers”

Reference list



  1. i think your view on the eiffle tower and the guggenheim is very interesting. the way you described them as being "brothers from different mothers" is what interests me.they are both very symbolic in an architectural way. they were both design in different eras and the achichetural industry has come along way since back then. if you were to compare the two designs, it is very clear that they are from different eras. the materials that are usede in both are very different aswell.

  2. i like how you said that the eiffle tower and the guggenheim is " brothers from another mother " makes me think about the twin towers , a symbolic building for america , but even though both designs are different , it has meaning and emotions , for the enviroment and the country
